Choosing a centrepiece

Friday, 28 September 2012

When choosing a centrepiece you can do many things, expanding the theme, expressing yourselves as a couple, or even just adding some more lighting. Whatever you and your partner choose, ensure that you enjoy looking at it, as it is one of the main decorations of the evening.

Centrepiece | Bulb vase, submersed flowers and lighting.
Source: Flowers In Love.
Centrepiece | "Interest" jar and tables named after different sci-fi vessels from Firefly‘s Serenity to Mass Effect‘s Normandy.
Source: When Geeks Wed.
Centrepiece | DIY Urban Loft Tablescape with purple.
Source: Joyful Weddings and Events.
Centrepiece | Botanical Garden candles and mini pot plant.
Source: Pink Frosting.

Centrepiece | DIY Water Balloon Luminaries.
Alternatively you could skip centrepieces all together and use the entrée or even the guest's cake portions as the separator for the table!

Have a centrepiece idea you would like to share? Tell us in the comments!

Equal Rights Marriage

Thursday, 20 September 2012

There is no switch that a person can flick to change who they love, there is no "cure", no "wrong gender"; love is love, love knows no bounds. Knowing this, there are still many laws in place around the world that prohibit people from legally marrying the person they love.

In 2004 Australia became one of these countries, the Howard government brought across the Marriage Amendment Act 2004. In this Act the following words, among others, were inserted: "marriage" means the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life.

This meant for many people, that not only is there was no legal way to get married under the law, that also their own government doesn't accept their right to love and legally join to whom they are naturally attracted. For some this is a controversial subject, though for many others, this is something that must be addressed to give everyone "a fair go" and to recognise that marriage is about love, not discrimination.

On Monday, 17 September 2012 the Marriage Amendment Bill (No 2) 2012 was brought into Senate. If passed the Bill will implement marriage equality and remove legal discrimination against GLBTI people and their relationships.

The first Labor speaker on the Bill was Senator Louise Pratt of the Western Australian office. Louise brought across a beautiful and heart wrenching speech, that touches everyone's hearts on the situation.

"All we ask, is that you stop pretending... that our relationships are not as real as yours, our love as true, our children as cherished, our families as precious. Because they are."
- Senator Louise Pratt

This subject touches home to me quite a lot. I feel very strongly about equal rights for everyone, and equal rights marriage being in the Senate at the moment is a very important thing for me.

For everyone who is affected by this law and many others like it, we are standing with you and we will won't stop fighting until your rights are recognised.

Further Reading:
Australia: Gay marriage debate riddled with fear

Blog's New Look

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Caerimonia Amoris New Design - 18 September 2012
As of today Caerimonia Amoris has a new look. This fresh approach is to coincide with the beginning of the official booking and browsing stage of our planning process. The new look is inspired by our (finalised) colour theme of purple and blue and by the winter/spring transition of an August wedding.

Added to the blog is:
  • More options to subscribe to posts, either via RSS or email.
  • Facebook "Like" button.
  • The ability to search posts with the search bar.
  • Quick access to Pinterest.
  • Quick access to information about Midwest Vendors.

If you have any requests of what type of features/links you would like quick access to, post below.

As well as the new look, I will be looking into a larger range of articles, that not only reflect our planning process but also help other people in their planning choices too.

If you are looking for a certain type of subject or article to be researched and written up on, relating to weddings, post the request below and I'll see what I can do.